Website Improves Blog, Adds Teaching Resources Page
The SEI website, now at, has been considerably revised. It’s still largely a repository of environmental information (articles, videos, links to organizations), but it now offers a much more dynamic and easy-to-use blog feature. With so much time sequestered in our homes, all of us miss our conversations in cafes and on campus. For example, we have rich, ongoing discussions with colleagues from Valley and East and elsewhere. Now we can take these conversations to our blog and share opinions and insights that (we believe) many people will find interesting. We are starting small, but will initiate comments on new topics over time. We welcome your responses, and also those of your students. Everyone should feel free to jump in and offer an opinion. We’ve also added a Teaching Resources page to the site. With our courses now all online, many of us need more material to post and use during a lecture, as well as resources for students in the Canvas “modules”. You’ll find links to many organizations that provide didactic materials for free. We featured one superb resource from Carleton College in a previous newsletter, but there are many more. Please help us keep the page updated by sending us links to new sites, especially ones that include animations and short clips. |